flower tattoo

2008-06-19 at 16-06-15.jpg
flower tattoo

Lotus Flower
flower tattoo

Quicky done with pen and ink. It reminds me of many things: Kali, Sandollars, Buddhas, Sexy Lace, Blood, Tattoos. Magic, Single-celled organisms, Flowers
flower tattoo
while the kids slept after surgery, we would tattoo them with Disney characters and give them stuffed flowers. The string tied to the tongue was taped just in case we needed quick airway access.
flower tattoo

Angel Trumpet Flower
flower tattoo
not quite there yet...the flower will be purplely pink and the rays coming out of the flower with be pinkish, orange, yellow.
flower tattoo
flower tattoo
flower tattoo
flower tattoo
The three girls with three beautiful flower tattoos